B2G Consultation at ITAC

November 21, 2017

When: Wednesday 22nd November, 3:45pm to 5:30pm

Where: ITAC Conference

Register: http://bit.ly/2yKtx75

B2G Consultation at ITAC

The Aged Care Industry IT Council’s (ACIITC) National Home Care Committee and CIO Forum are hosting a Business to Government (B2G)  consultation with various representatives from the Department of Health Aged Care Branch and Department of Human Services.

Following on from research undertaken by the ACIITC released in June this year outlining the priorities for the development of a Technology Roadmap for the Aged Care Industry, priority was set to focus on the forging improvements to the industries interface to Government.

The ACIITC welcomes the recent announcement from the Department of Health and Minister for Aged Care in investing in this area and specifically seeking to address issues and strengthen functionality of My Aged Care and other systems.

The scheduled Combined Committee Meeting will be replaced with a consultation on B2G improvements.This consultation will be an opportunity to speak directly with the department regarding areas where changes need to be made immediately as well as continuing to develop the roadmap for future enhancement.

Places are limited to 30 seats. We hope that you might consider being involved in this consultation and contributing your feedback to seek improvements and better outcomes.