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The Aged Care Industry IT Council (ACIITC) was formed by the two industry Peak bodies Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) and Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA), now known as the Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) in 2007 with the express intent of providing the industry with a vehicle to consider and debate innovation and technology related opportunities and to disseminate the lessons learned from that process to the wider aged care industry.

The primary objective of ACIITC was to improve the quality of care for our clients through supporting and educating aged care service providers about the efficiencies and service improvement capabilities that well managed IT system deployments can achieve.

Aged & Community Care Providers Association

During its existence ACIITC has undertaken a variety of activities and managed several projects. Some of the more notable activities are:

  • Auspiced the creation of the Aged Care Industry Vendors Association (ACIVA);
  • Received funding to undertake a detailed assessment of the medication supply chain in residential aged care and the possibilities of electronic enablement;
  • Received funding to undertake the PCeHR Pathfinder project aimed at analysing vendor enablement for PCeHR and provider options in a PCeHR setting;
  • Conducting the annual innovation technology in aged care conference, ITAC
  • Received funding to demonstrate the benefits of telehealth and tele-monitoring in home based care using NBN enabled households;
  • Raised the profile of IT related issues through information dissemination, publications and industry conference presentations.

As part of the Pathfinder Project an IT Roadmap was developed which provided a view of how the PCeHR and aged care IT developments could be integrated over time. A copy of the Pathfinder Roadmap has been distributed and is meant to assist the industry to form a view about the future directions of IT reform and its impact on the industry.

ACIITC, however recognized that the first iteration of the Pathfinder Roadmap, though highly useful, had certain limitations especially its focus within the framework of the PCeHR.

ACIITC, considered that the industry would considerably benefit from the creation of a more in-depth Roadmap that considered a broader range of options over the medium to longer term.

An industry expert group convened in February 2013 tasked with assisting the IT Council frame this new Roadmap. The intention was to produce a document that will serve four primary objectives:

  1. Support service providers and industry bodies to form a broad common view about the future directions of IT within the overall aged care system,
  2. Assist providers to integrate IT into organizational strategic plans by providing a blueprint of future strategic direction options for the industry at large,
  3. Provide industry peaks with a document that provides a common position to drive policy formation and funding support for the future development of the industry,
  4. Develop a future scenario out to 2017 capturing the current capability of providers across early adopters, ready to implement providers and late adopters.

ACIITC is a registered company governed by a constitution.